The Heroic Journey: A Life of Valor, Purpose, Authenticity and Happiness Returns!

Written by Maria Sirois
November 14, 2024

Imagine a year in which we take our lives by the hand, shape them such that they more accurately and kindly reflect who we are, and at the same time, enable a more enlivened and courageous living. Might that be worth consideration?

The world feels often now like a chipped cup, kind of functional, and anxiety-producing.

Turn to any part of the globe and trouble abounds.

We are being asked, I believe, to rediscover who we are, how we might contribute, and to build forward anyway. We are being asked to show up with bravery and heart, with compassion and discernment, and with a tenacious commitment to the good.  

We are being summoned, even, to represent what it means to hold the light steady in swirling storms and to plant seeds in bruised soils so that we may nourish each other, ourselves and those to come. 

Last year I launched a new course, The Heroic Journey: A Life of Valor, Purpose, Authenticity and Happiness, as an invitation to meet once a month for one year in order to recenter our lives from a place of curiosity, commitment and care.  It has been a beautiful experiment. Hundreds of attendees from all over the globe have shown up to explore themes that build our capacities for love, hope, happiness, courage, connection and appreciation. We touch bravely upon considerations of death and impermanence, hope and fragility, honesty and the value of seeing with a tint of rose in our lens. We admit where we are faulty and where we are hardy and we do so with great kindness…to ourselves and to each other.

I am so honored to be able to open up this course again, in 2025, for a third cohort.  

I invite you to consider joining. We are keeping the price quite low and the programming of the course flexible and generous. 

Please write to me at any time with questions ([email protected]) and to learn more visit here:

And…more good news…I’ll be offering a new writing course in 2025 as well!  Much more on that to come…and it will be a discovery of the life/death/life cycle through our musings!

With love,


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