About Maria Sirois, Psy.D.

Maria Sirois

Positive Psychologist. Leadership Consultant. Author. Inspirer.

I’ve spent three decades showing up in the board rooms of business and the bedsides of the dying and everywhere in between to do one thing:  bring the data, the stories, the tools, and the wisdom that enable any one of us to cultivate a grounded optimism, a clear sense of direction and a resilient inner strength in the moments of upheaval and opportunity.

I teach, train, keynote, coach, consult and encourage and am known for saying the thing that others hesitate to say with a generous tone and a kind gaze (mostly kind). I work in that liminal space between what has been true and what is possible and help to name the difficult and exhilarating side of striving for excellence in whatever we do.

My father went to school at night while working in a leather mill to get his college degree, with three young babies at home.  I am his daughter.

My mother made sure I had every chance to read whatever I wanted to read and has never stopped learning.  I am her daughter.

My work is intimate and universal.  Positive and paradoxical.  Efficient, elegant, direct, and elevating.  It has yet, however, to change the temperament of my cat.

"Maria is one of the most gifted presenters I have met, both in small and large group settings. She is particularly adept at taking seemingly opposing ideas and, in real time, creating engaging content that leaves the audience both intrigued and wanting more."

Melissa Van Dyke SVP,
Customer Experience and Insights, Creative Group

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Upcoming Appearances

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April 26, 2025 4:00pm-6:00pm
The Generous Exchange Book Reading
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April 22, 2025, 12:00-1:00pm
Cultivating Hope in Uncertain Times
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April 17, 2025 6:30-7:45pm
What the Most Resilient of Us Know and Do
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A Short Course in Happiness After Loss (and Other Dark, Difficult Times)

También disponible en español

Every Day Counts: Lessons in Love, Faith, and Resilience from Children Facing Illness

Every Day Counts: Lessons in Love, Faith, and Resilience from Children Facing Illness


My Recent Books

"In clear, gentle, poetic, and unabashedly honest language, Maria guides us as we navigate the events in life that bring us to our knees. Even as the book empathetically reaches out to sit with you in the darkest of moments, it quietly points the way up and forward toward a happier and more meaningful life. As well as treasuring my own copy to read over and again in my own moments of grief, I have given this book to friends, family, and clients, placed it at the top of my bibliography list for the workshops I teach both for professionals and lay people in the field of death and dying, and consider it to be one of the finest works to accompany someone on their journey toward healing."

Sue D.

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Chief Wisdom Integrator at

We work with you to identify, sustain and elevate the effectiveness of your most valuable and critical leaders and emerging leadership talent.

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Wholebeing Institute (WBI) is an educational organization teaching the science of human flourishing. We help people live life to its fullest—spiritually, physically, intellectually, relationally, and emotionally.

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Speaking Agent
CJ Lonoff

Speaking Matters
49 New St, New Hope, PA 18938

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