The landscape around me looks nothing like this today – it is frozen with ice and snow packed hard from constant wind and storm. Each step these days must be measured, both internally and externally, for it is true that these are not the smoothest of times. Yet, somewhere, this is the landscape. Somewhere, and within some of us, hues of pink and purple grace the land. Songbirds are singing, love is radiating and the warming sun brings ease and hope.
We face the dark and hold the light. This is how we manage. This is how we ensure our futures and this is how, in my new writing course, we build a strapping courage.
Writing: The Life/Death/Life Cycle opens in March and offers an exploration of how we strengthen our writing and our lives when we face the complexities of cycles of light and dark, life and death. We will play with each element as if they are singular, and then note how their integration creates a wholeness that makes that yellow bird more than just a momentary vision, but the essence of life itself. We’ll dance with ideas about where we might take our writing…no matter what kind of writing, or how often we have written before…in order to have a sense of our own wholeness and hardiness. And we will become just a bit braver in sharing the stories we most long to share.
It’s a wild idea, I know. To take our words and direct them toward the dark and then the light. We do not know exactly where those words, those sentences, our dialogues will end up…but I do promise you this…we will experience layers of understanding that are simply not possible if we only consider the broken and fail to notice the good, the radiant, the shimmering, or pretend all is well as the fires burn behind us.
Write to me with any questions at all: [email protected]
Registration information is below.
And may the landscape around you, no matter how frigid or warm, inspire you toward a robust appreciation for this chance to continue to shape your words…and your lives.
Love, Maria